Friday, 1 March 2013

Cleaning Pretty Much Equals Horses

Hello, my name is Dane Burns, and this is my blog about horses and cleaning. :)

This is a cartoon picture of a person cleaning, (it's not actual size though. Some people have been known to grow up to 5' 10"!!!)

There are many things to be said about working in the cleaning industry, but as most of them are negative, and usually my stories will involve clients, I think it’s best that I write about horses instead. If I were a horse in a paddock with a fence that only came up to my armpits, I would fucking jump over that shit and gallop into the sunset with all of my friends.

If I was a horse I would want to be this one which appears to be running away into the sunset. But I would have friends with me, because otherwise after a few days it would get lonely


Working as a cleaner is a lot like being a horse. You wake up in the afternoon, put on your face and your fishnets and stand on the street corner waiting for customers to come and fuck you in the ass.

- Dane.

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